Message From Metatron: When to say No

Good day everyone,

It is a pleasure to be able to share with you again today. Your world is still making many changes and not all of them bad, many things are good. However your press does not want you to know about all the good that is taking place. So my message to you is to continue to send love to anything you feel lead to send it to. All of the lightworkers out there are making the changes. Because when there is a lot of Light, the darkness has to be exposed for what it is, and we are telling you that many things that you are not aware of are being exposed. So have faith, let go of fear and most of all have Hope. We know that this has been a long arduous process, well thousands of years are pretty long, but you are almost there. Think of yourselves as almost reaching the top of a large mountain. You are almost at its peak. Once there, you will see everything for what it is, and then you will finally be able to enter the prosperous valley that you all deserve.

Since all of you signed up to be hear at this most auspicious time on earth, it seems to be ingrained in many of you to help others while sacrificing yourself. That is not what you came here to do. You are the most important being in your life. You cannot have a good relationship with others if you don’t have a good relationship with yourself. That is what many of you have yet to learn or some of you have gotten it but then there comes the situations that you think you are responsible for correcting. We tell you that you are responsible for you and you only. You cannot fix others. That is a responsibility that they must take on their own.

Now don’t take us wrong, you are here to help others, but you are not to give and give and give, when that person that you so want to help, is not helping themselves. The hardest thing for many of you to realize is that everyone comes here with a goal. Many will reach their goals, and many will not and they will have to come back and do it all over again. However, maybe that goal is to be in a situation that makes a difference in society. Maybe they are going to be the example or the catalyst for change. That is their path and it is up to you not to try and change it.

You as lightworkers know what we are saying. You have the family member, the friend, the colleague, or the neighbor who you so desperately want to help, and it doesn’t matter how hard you try, you cannot get them to change. We tell you that maybe they aren’t supposed to change, or maybe they don’t want to change, but that is on them, not on you. You have to learn to live and let go. Let go of what you cannot control. Let go of the situation that so exasperates you because you feel you if they would just listen, that things would be better. As long as you know in your heart of hearts that you have done the best that you can, then it is time to distance yourself and let things play out the way they are supposed to.

My muse here is one of the worst ones about this and it has taken her 46 years, she just turned 47, to get it. If you are enabling people you are not helping them. You are only draining yourselves, just hoping that it will make the difference. We tell you that maybe it will take them to hit rock bottom for them to wake up. But giving so much that you have nothing left over for yourself or your children is not the way to do it. (For those of you who have children who are not on their own). There are people that will drain your energy, people that will expect and expect of you to the point that you are becoming miserable. That my dear ones, is when you say no. One of the ways the universe works is the exchange of energy. You give your focus on someone else; you get the focus back on you. That is a healthy relationship. But when it becomes one is always the giver and one is always the taker, the relationship is not in balance and ultimately one or both parties are not going to be happy.

For people that like to help other people, one of the hardest things for them to say is, NO. It is ok to say no. You do not have to give a reason for saying no. If you know that deep down in your heart of hearts that this is something that you truly do not want to do, and that will drain your energy, we tell you to say NO. Now this will be hard for many of you because you were conditioned to sacrifice yourselves. We tell you that those beliefs need to go away. Do you honestly think in God’s eyes that you are less than another person? No you are all equal. So why do you not value yourselves enough to say no so that you yourself are becoming unwell, mentally drained, or fatigued. You should not. This is what we most want to tell you today. You need to honor yourselves and your immediate family first. All else comes second. If you are too drained to be there for yourself or your immediate family, then you say, NO.

We hope this will be of help to many of you that are struggling with this problem. Throw away the guilt. Do not allow others to make you feel guilty or that you are not doing the right thing. Because we tell you that you are doing the right thing. Assert yourselves and say No. We know that this will take practice and many people will not understand that you have changed. That is ok. If they chose to remove themselves from your life, then they were not meant to be there in the first place. But the ones that chose to honor and respect you, those are the ones that you keep.
We hope that we have been in service to you all this day. We are constantly here for you; all you have to do is ask. Until next time we wish you peace, happiness, love and the ability to say NO!!


Metatron's Muse is a page that is dedicated to the channels of Archangel Metatron channeled by Dana Wagnon

Metatron’s Muse is a page that is dedicated to the channels of Archangel Metatron channeled by Dana Wagnon

My story with Metatron came upon very suddenly. One night i was meditating and out of the blue, I hear a very loud and deep voice in my head say, “I AM METATRON”. We then began communicating on a regular basis. He asked me if I would be willing to channel for him and distribute his messages. He also asked if I would be willing to work with him, to give energy attunements to people, and said more would be asked later when I was ready. Of course I said yes, and here is my page. Please feel free to message me with any questions you may have and feel free to share any experiences that you think others could relate to, whether it is different practitioners, different ideas, questions or anything else that you are guided to share with the group.

Wonderful Blessings of Love and Light,

Dana Wagnon

Metatron Muse

Feel free to join Dana’s group. This is a group of like minded individuals who would like to share their thoughts, feelings, other posts, and to ask questions that other group members may have the answers to. I’m a member of this group and also working with Dana. Currently, working on a blog for her and Archangel Metatron. Metatron asked Dana for her to contact me in regards to his work.

Message From Metatron: Make Time for You

Hello everyone it is so good to be able to share with you again during these fast changing times. As we have talked about in the past, you are being bombarded with new energies every day. Your body is integrating more light into it than ever before. As this light comes in, it is enhancing what is not right with your system or body and wants you to take care of yourself first and foremost before the next step in the plan.

As lightworkers, many of you are givers. In fact you are constantly giving to the point that your body and or system is no longer able to maintain homeostasis and you begin to experience problems. If you do not address these problems, the situation will become worse and worse, until you are forced to deal with the problem.

You have been conditioned to believe that you must always put others first in front of you in order to do the right thing. We tell you now, that this is not, nor has never been the case. This is a form of an old belief system that is no longer relevant.

When you are tired, sick, or not feeling as yourself, your body is giving you a warning. It is saying take care of me, I need help. If you don’t heed the call your body begins getting more and more issues, thus yelling louder and louder, please listen to me, until something actually happens when you have no choice to address it. That, my friend, is beginning to happen to many of you. You are not taking care of yourselves, whether it is mentally, physically, or emotionally and they are no longer being allowed to be suppressed. Your body and or system is making sure that you deal with the underlying issue so that you can move forward and handle the next phase in your progress.

We know this does not come easy to many of you, but we tell you that if you do not heed the warning signs, then things will get worse until you do. We ask you to please heed the warning. Quit burying issues that need to be dealt with, because until you deal with them, you are effectively going to be stuck in some ways until you do.

In order for the changes that you want to happen, you need to make sure that you yourself are ready and up for the task. Things will become intense for a little while and it is best if you are in perfect working order to deal with things that will come your way. Because you as we have told you in the past, you are the wayshowers. You are the ones that have chosen to take the journey first. You as we said before, are indeed the trailblazers. Things have been hard for you for most of your life because you don’t feel like you exactly fit into the world at large. We are here to tell you that the reason that you don’t fit in, is because you are here to effectively change things. You are the ones that are on the front lines. The ones that will provide inspirations for those around you when the times become intense and people become fearful. We ask you to please be ready and be waiting to be a beacon of light to the others who cannot make sense of what is happening in this world.

So we are asking you to take the time to rest. Take the time to get well. Take the time to make the changes that are needed to get everything in working order. As things progress, you will be glad you did. It is time for you to take care of you first. If you are in better working order, then you will be able to help and reach out to more people. If you are not up to par, so to speak, it will be harder for you to reach out to others during these times ahead. You have been given all you need to move forward. You know in your gut what areas that need a “tune up” so to speak and need to be addressed immediately. We ask you to give yourself that chance to rest and heal in order to be in your perfect working order for the times ahead. As you have heard it said many times before, how can you be of help to others, if you yourself are not well enough to do so, you can’t. Now is the time to change that. There are all sorts of signs that your body is giving you. We ask you to listen while it is still whispering, for we tell you that when it is yelling, the issues will not be as easily addressed.
Forget all your old programming and realize that you must take care of yourself first at this time in your life, once you do that, things will fall into place much better for you in the future. Until next time we all are sending you our continued love and support.


Metatron's Muse is a page that is dedicated to the channels of Archangel Metatron channeled by Dana Wagnon

Metatron’s Muse is a page that is dedicated to the channels of Archangel Metatron channeled by Dana Wagnon


My story with Metatron came upon very suddenly. One night i was meditating and out of the blue, I hear a very loud and deep voice in my head say, “I AM METATRON”. We then began communicating on a regular basis. He asked me if I would be willing to channel for him and distribute his messages. He also asked if I would be willing to work with him, to give energy attunements to people, and said more would be asked later when I was ready. Of course I said yes, and here is my page. Please feel free to message me with any questions you may have and feel free to share any experiences that you think others could relate to, whether it is different practitioners, different ideas, questions or anything else that you are guided to share with the group.

Wonderful Blessings of Love and Light,

Dana Wagnon

Metatron Muse

Feel free to join Dana’s group. This is a group of like minded individuals who would like to share their thoughts, feelings, other posts, and to ask questions that other group members may have the answers to. I’m a member of this group and also working with Dana. Currently, working on a blog for her and Archangel Metatron. Metatron asked Dana for her to contact me in regards to his work.

Message From Archangel Metatron: It’s all About Energy

Archangel Metatron 6th ChakraIt is good to be able to talk to all of you again. There are still so many things happening in your world. Every day you are receiving large bursts of energy that are increasing your vibrations and frequencies more than you realize. If you “Haven’t quite been yourself” lately so to speak, this could be a result of all the energies. One day you will be exhausted, another night you won’t be able to sleep, one day joyful and the other day very weepy. This is all a part of the ascension process that you who have elected to go first, are all receiving right now. Just BREATHE your way through it. Do not avoid the issues that keep coming up for you, just feel them and move through it. For that is the best way to clear the residual items that still need to be cleared from your energy field.

As you have known for a while now, everything is energy and every living thing on the planet has their own frequency. The key for you to manifest the life that you desire is to get yourself onto the higher frequency planes. Many of you say that you have tried and tried, and are having a hard time making progress. I want to tell you today that the two best ways to increase your frequency rapidly, is through mediation and for you to begin working with energy. You ask, what do you mean by working with energy? It is very simple, everything is energy, and everyone that is ascending is able to work with energy. Everyone has the capacity to bring forth life force energy to help yourself and others. You just have to know how to harness it. We tell you to quit being afraid, to quit thinking you are not capable, because all of you reading this are.

Many of the old ways are changing. This is something that everyone is born with, but has forgotten how to use. The best way to begin to harness energy is to be able to see it and feel it. Some of you can already see and feel energy. Feeling energy is essential. You know that when you walk into a place that has a lot of dark energy in it that you immediately know in your gut that something is wrong, that is feeling energy. You know the energy in that place is not good energy and your gut instinct is telling you that, and we tell you now that you need to begin to listen and follow your gut instinct. If you are in a place that has bad energy, either leave or transmute the energy. Many times you are in places that you cannot leave, like work, a grocery store, at school or at some place that you have to be. If you feel the energy is not where you like it to be, then to clear YOUR energy field we ask you to invoke the Violet Flame. The Violet Flame was given to you all by Saint Germaine and will literally clear your energy field around you once you invoke it.

Many people think that in order to invoke something, you have to use certain words, say certain things, make certain symbols, we tell you that this is no longer the case. It is based on your intention. If you are not feeling correct, not feeling connected, feeling that you are negative today, or you just know that something is not right, all you have to go is simply state, “I invoke the Violet Flame” and set your inanition to clean your energy field and protect you from the negative energy that is around you. It is that simple. You can invoke the Violet Flame to clean your home, for your children, for your loved ones and for your friends and as long as their higher self agrees, you will clean their energy field as well. This is how you control your vibration and frequency and to keep it steady.

If you would like to work with harnessing the energy, all you have to do is set your intention to bring the energy through your hands. You should be able to feel the energy originate into your hands. At that point you can use that energy to transfer life force energy to yourself, your children, and your friends and loved ones. All it takes is practice and focusing. Focus on pulling the energy and sending the energy how you want to send it. Listen to your intuition that tells you how to harness the energy and how to send it. Don’t be afraid to try, we will be there to help you every step of the way.

The reason that we are talking about you harnessing energy, is that is the wave of the future. That is how people will begin to heal themselves and others is with energy. I have shown my Muse and some people that are able to work with energy the new energy that can be invoked. This energy is very powerful and has healing capabilities. Once invoked, the receiver begins to feel different almost immediately and it begins burning through layers in their system and almost immediately makes them jump into a higher frequency. Energy healing is the way of the future. So we ask all of you to begin to play with energy. Do not be scared of it. Begin to work with it and we tell you that you will be amazed at the progress you will make in a short amount of time.

Until next time, I am sending you our never ending love…..



Metatron's Muse is a page that is dedicated to the channels of Archangel Metatron channeled by Dana Wagnon

Metatron’s Muse is a page that is dedicated to the channels of Archangel Metatron channeled by Dana Wagnon


My story with Metatron came upon very suddenly. One night i was meditating and out of the blue, I hear a very loud and deep voice in my head say, “I AM METATRON”. We then began communicating on a regular basis. He asked me if I would be willing to channel for him and distribute his messages. He also asked if I would be willing to work with him, to give energy attunements to people, and said more would be asked later when I was ready. Of course I said yes, and here is my page. Please feel free to message me with any questions you may have and feel free to share any experiences that you think others could relate to, whether it is different practitioners, different ideas, questions or anything else that you are guided to share with the group.

Wonderful Blessings of Love and Light,

Dana Wagnon

Metatron Muse

Feel free to join Dana’s group. This is a group of like minded individuals who would like to share their thoughts, feelings, other posts, and to ask questions that other group members may have the answers to. I’m a member of this group and also working with Dana. Currently, working on a blog for her and Archangel Metatron. Metatron asked Dana for her to contact me in regards to his work.

Message From Archangel Metatron: Oregon

We come to you today with a heavy heart due to what has happened in Oregon. This is an example of things that I have previously mentioned in my last to messages to you. Things that will happen that are of the dark that seems like such a waste of life and brings with it such an overall sadness to the families, friends, schoolmates, and to people all over your world that wonders why people cannot even be safe to get an education, when they are only trying to better themselves and have a brighter future. But we tell you today that all of these individuals chose this path. They chose this to bring awareness to those things that are still unjust in your world. Because when these types of tragedies occur, it turns up the faucet so to speak on an outpouring of love. It raises your consciousness, your vibrations, and helps the earth and all of humanity make those leaps into higher consciousness at a faster rate.

When we told you in our previous channel to take a step back and look at the big picture, this is one of those times. These brave souls agreed before they came here to take part in something that could help raise the vibration of the planet. Show the darkness that still exists in your world and open up your awareness to the situation. Because we are here to tell you, that there is much more taking place behind the scenes than you can imagine. One day the truth will come out. One day the truth will be told.

We ask you to say thank you to all of these 9 people who gave up their lives willingly for the benefit of all of humanity; for they are the brave ones. We also want you to know that the level of comfort and help they received once they crossed to the other side was all prepared and waiting for them. Family members and ancestors that had gone before were waiting for them. They are now at peace. Now we, and they, are asking the rest of humanity to try to not mourn them but to look at the reason they all gave up their lives. To look at what the underlying cause is. To look at the hero who with no regard for himself threw himself into the line of fire to protect all he could and was shot several times, and while he was laying there with all the gunshot wounds, what was he most concerned about, not money, not his home or things that truly don’t matter, but he was concerned about his 6 year old little boy who on that day was his birthday. He thought nothing of himself; he was just worried about missing his son’s 6 year old birthday. What a true and loving heart this man has. He is what you all should consider a hero, for he had no thoughts of himself, he only wanted to help as many people as he possibly could and while he was laying there waiting for help, he was expressing his love for what truly mattered to him, his son.
When we say look at the big picture, you are to also look at the wonderful stories that come out of these horrific events. Because even through the darkness and the tragedy, the light was still pouring in. Once again, all is not what it seems. And why you may be angry at the person who did this, you have no knowledge as to what lead him to do this unspeakable act. At times like this it is the hardest not to judge people for what they have done. But to understand that there may be some extenuating circumstances as to why he did what he did. For in the Bible itself is says, “Judge not lest ye be judged”. This is one of those times. Try to open your heart and express love for all. This poor man’s family is mourning too. They need our compassion and love just as much or maybe even more than the families of the people that were killed. For his family and friends will be ostracized, forgotten about, and no one will even look at the pain and suffering that they are enduring. This is what it means to be a fully conscious person. Even though we can’t understand why things happen, we have to have faith that there is a bigger plan at work here. We have to care just as much for the people that do these horrendous acts as we do for the individuals that lost their lives as a result of this person. Because no one ever knows what goes on behind closed doors. No one ever knows what one might have been through. So I ask you to show compassion for him and his family at this time. Send out just as much love to them as you are to the people that have given their lives.
My Muse has a favorite book that I am sure many of you have read, but if not I strongly urge you to read it if you feel lead to. It is called, The Shack“, by William P. Young. I will say that it will change your life. Neither I nor my Muse has any reason to talk about this book except for the fact that it is truly something that we in our realm believe can help humanity understand why things can go so horribly wrong. There are many places to find this book, Amazon, and if you are having financial issues and want a copy, my Muse will see that you will receive one.

Until next time, We wish you peace, understanding, love and light.



Metatron's Muse is a page that is dedicated to the channels of Archangel Metatron channeled by Dana Wagnon

Metatron’s Muse is a page that is dedicated to the channels of Archangel Metatron channeled by Dana Wagnon


My story with Metatron came upon very suddenly. One night i was meditating and out of the blue, I hear a very loud and deep voice in my head say, “I AM METATRON”. We then began communicating on a regular basis. He asked me if I would be willing to channel for him and distribute his messages. He also asked if I would be willing to work with him, to give energy attunements to people, and said more would be asked later when I was ready. Of course I said yes, and here is my page. Please feel free to message me with any questions you may have and feel free to share any experiences that you think others could relate to, whether it is different practitioners, different ideas, questions or anything else that you are guided to share with the group.

Wonderful Blessings of Love and Light,

Dana Wagnon

Metatron Muse

Feel free to join Dana’s group. This is a group of like minded individuals who would like to share their thoughts, feelings, other posts, and to ask questions that other group members may have the answers to. I’m a member of this group and also working with Dana. Currently, working on a blog for her and Archangel Metatron. Metatron asked Dana for her to contact me in regards to his work.

Archangel of the Month for October 2015

Peace Archangel Chamuel

Click to Enlarge Image

Archangel Chamuel comes to you this month to help show you your personal truths and to see the love you have around you and within you. Archangel Chamuel, whose name means “He who sees God”, asks you to look past all the clutter that may be in your mind and feel what is right. Allow yourself to open up to the divine energies that are around you and glide on this journey with loving guidance. Chamuel’s ability to see clearly helps you to find things, situations and people. He can also find a career that best suits your purpose and path.

Love is in the air when Archangel Chamuel is around and he can guide you in attracting this love into your life. Allow for loving thoughts and actions to emit from you to attract or manifest love into your life. Call upon Chamuel to guide your thoughts and actions to bring romance into your life. He works on the higher divine energies and may connect you with a higher type of love, so be ready! It’s not just your every day run of the mill type of relationship, so really feel out the thought of what you are asking for.

Working with Archangel Chamuel will bring a more centered, calm and peaceful you. He is also the Archangel of personal and global peace. Archangel Chamuel sees the true quality of you and helps show this to you.

Who is Archangel Chamuel?

Chamuel is one of the seven archangels of the 5th-century Pseudo-Dionysian teachings on the celestial hierarchy. He is sometimes confused with Samael, an “angel” who has dark and destructive leanings. The confusion likely stems from the similar sound of their names. But rest assured that Chamuel is entirely of God’s light.

In the Kabbalah, Chamuel (as Kamael) is the archangel of the Geburah, the fifth Sephirah (aspect of God) on the Tree of Life, denoting strength and courage through severity. Kabbalists consider Chamuel (Kamael) one of the Seraphim, which is the highest level of the choirs of angels.

As “he who sees God,” Chamuel has omniscient vision, and he sees the connection between everyone and everything.

When To Call On Archangel Chamuel

His holy mission includes the manifestation of universal peace through helping individuals attain inner peace, even during turbulent times. Chamuel uses his vision to ensure that you and others are at peace by helping you find what you’re looking for. From his lofty vantage point, Chamuel can see the location of every missing item and the solutions to every problem. Even though he’s stationed at an extremely high level, Chamuel is very down-to-earth and accessible, like a great man who has remained entirely humble.

Archangel Chamuel fulfills a role similar to Saint Anthony in Catholicism, who also helps reunite us with missing items. Both are amaz­ingly swift at bringing back beloved heirloom items such as wedding rings. Chamuel can help you find your life’s purpose; a better job or home; your right relationship; and anything, esoteric or tangible, that you request, as long as it’s in alignment with your higher self’s path. He knows God’s will for you, so ask for help and Chamuel will sort the rest out.

Color: Pale green

Crystal or Gemstone: Fluorite

Astrological Sign: Taurus, the persistent finder of what is being sought


“Archangel Chamuel, guide me with your loving energy to what I truly need in my life. I open up my eyes to my truth and will walk my path willingly with your guidance. Thank you for sharing your energy and guidance with me.”

“Dear Archangel Chamuel, thank you for guiding me to find what I’m looking for, which includes [give specific details about your search].”

Call upon Chamuel to recover anything that seems to be lost.  He hears y our thoughts, so you can mentally call him , even in when you’re in a panic:

“Archangel Chamuel, I seem to have lost [name of object or situation] I know that nothing is truly lost, since God is everywhere, and therefore, can see where everything is.  Please guide me to find what I’m looking for.  Thank you, Chamuel.”

2015-07-12 03.52.48

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Hi, My name is Claudia Ibarra

I’m a Certified Angel Card Reader™ and Certified Realm Reader™ by Doreen Virtue, Ph D. ; Member of the International Association of Angel Practitioners – I.A.A.P.  I’m also a Flower Therapy Healer certified by Robert Reeves, N.D. I am an intuitive Indigo and I enjoy helping others through various decks of Oracle Cards. 

We can ask and receive help from Angels, they are a gift from our Creator. First we must and ask for help and guidance; Angels can help us heal – physically, spiritually, emotionally and with abundance. Follow this Divine guidance and we can bring Peace on Earth one person at a time. 

I enjoy helping to guide my clients and I am so excited to work with you to guide you to your highest excitement and joy! Your purchase will helped me tremendously with my spiritual studies, and help enlighten others around the world.

Brightest Angel Blessings to you and your loved ones!


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