Message From Archangel Metatron: Now What

First I want to begin by thanking all illuminated souls throughout the universe for helping us manifest safety for all the world’s leaders at the United Nations.  There were so many possible upheavals that were averted thanks to all the light that was sent by all the illuminated souls throughout the Universe.  However as said before in the previous channel, these are auspicious times.  The energy that has been sent to your planet has been ever increasing.  Now that Wave X, the equinox, the eclipse and the Blood Moon energy has come into your planet, significant change will begin to take place.  This change can come through peacefully or it can come through with chaos and once again it is up to the illuminated souls to manifest a peaceful outcome.

Significant changes are beginning to take place around the world.  There were many agreements that were put into place during this last week to take the dark ones out of the equation throughout your planet.  There are many lies that will come to light.  Many truths that were previously unknown will be shocking to all of humanity at the levels that these dark ones went to in order to gain power, control and wealth.  It is time to release all of humanity out of the slavery that they have been under from the dark ones that control much of your planet for the last hundreds of years.  There is not any lack on your planet.  There is abundance for all.  You need to treat all living things the way that you yourself would like to be treated; this includes all of the elements, plant life, animal life as well as other humans.  Humans need to work to restore your planet and give her the much needed love she has been denied especially over the last 150 years.

You are seeing so many changes all over your planet that you all have managed to manifest with your ever growing love and light.  Now is the time for all to become one again.  Humanity must begin to help the poor and the starving.  Fresh drinking water needs to be provided to many third world countries, food must be provided and education is a must for all.  Once the dark ones are out of power this is when humanity will begin to make the changes.  There are so many hidden technologies that were given to you by your Galactic friends that will help these changes to take place rapidly.  All of you will be amazed as the impending changes take place and how quickly they will happen.

 Once again, we in the Celestial Realms ask all of you reading this message to manifest change peacefully.  The changes that are coming will be shocking to many.  The truths that will be revealed will have many on your planet questioning everything that they have believed in.  As you know, we are all one.  There is not one religion, race, or species that are better than another, because we all are from God.  We are all a part of his creation.  (we know many of you refer to God in the male gender, however remember he is just source energy and please feel free to insert whatever word you prefer to use in the place of God, for my channel she likes the word God and is used to referring  to him in that manner).

 Humanity must begin to treat others with the love and respect that they deserve.  No one is better than another.  No country is better than another.  No religion is better than another.  This will become apparent to all of humanity as the changes begin to take place and the truth begins to come out.  Many will be shocked at the corruption that many of your leaders, corporations, and banks have bestowed upon you all.  This of course will all be corrected and the criminals will be brought to justice.

You are the peacemakers and the way showers.  When these changes start coming to light, many people will become afraid and will have many questions.  The atrocities that were committed by these dark ones will be shocking to all.  However it is imperative that all of you project as much light as possible to make these transitions as easy as possible.  Many will look to you for strength and answers.  This is where you all come in; for you are the brave ones that decided to go first.  All of you that are reading this message came to this planet during this lifetime to be of assistance to the greater good for all.  We ask you to be a beacon of light for the others that have questions.  They will be drawn to you wondering why you are so calm during the storm, so to speak.  We in the Celestial Realm are asking you all to provide any assistance that you are guided to provide to others.  Answer their questions if you have the answers, try to give them a sense of calm and peace and explain to any who ask, that these changes are for the greater good of all and will usher in peace to your planet.


We will not lead you falsely.  These times will be difficult and may not happen as quickly as you like, but once again it is up to you to manifest these changes to come in with as much ease and grace as possible.  You are the way showers.  You are the brave ones.  In many ways you have all been the trailblazers that have endured the most. You have worked to learn how to be of greater service to others and, have opened your eyes to the real truth and meaning of life.   All that follow you will have it much easier and we wish to extend our gratitude to all of you for all of the hard work that you have done.  For without the illuminated souls, all the changes that will take place and eventually result into peace and prosperity for all would not have happened.  You all chose to fight the good fight and for that you all will be rewarded.  We ask that you all turn inside and look to yourself for the answers you seek because all is within you.  We are your biggest fans and cheerleaders.  Please feel free to ask for help from anyone from the Celestial Realm.  We are here to serve you.  We are here to help you through these trying times.  Remember that much of what you see is an illusion.   Step back and look at the big picture of what is happening on your planet.  Do not get caught up in the details.  Remain true to yourself at all times.

Sending you peace and love…..


Metatron's Muse is a page that is dedicated to the channels of Archangel Metatron channeled by Dana Wagnon

Metatron’s Muse is a page that is dedicated to the channels of Archangel Metatron channeled by Dana Wagnon


My story with Metatron came upon very suddenly. One night i was meditating and out of the blue, I hear a very loud and deep voice in my head say, “I AM METATRON”. We then began communicating on a regular basis. He asked me if I would be willing to channel for him and distribute his messages. He also asked if I would be willing to work with him, to give energy attunements to people, and said more would be asked later when I was ready. Of course I said yes, and here is my page. Please feel free to message me with any questions you may have and feel free to share any experiences that you think others could relate to, whether it is different practitioners, different ideas, questions or anything else that you are guided to share with the group.

Wonderful Blessings of Love and Light,

Dana Wagnon

Metatron Muse

Feel free to join Dana’s group. This is a group of like minded individuals who would like to share their thoughts, feelings, other posts, and to ask questions that other group members may have the answers to. I’m a member of this group and also working with Dana. Currently, working on a blog for her and Archangel Metatron. Metatron asked Dana for her to contact me in regards to his work.

Message From Archangel Metatron: These Auspicious Times

I thank of all of you who are reading this message because this will help my new “protégé” so to speak, to become more at ease with what she is now doing which is channeling for I Metatron. She has agreed to work with me and to work on her abilities with me and for that I am eternally grateful.

We know many of you are tired of waiting for the “Change” as you call it to take place. We know that you are tired, weary, worn out, wonder if we have forgotten you, but I will tell you all this day, we have not. The “Changes” that you are so looking for are beginning to manifest. They are manifesting at a much faster rate now that these energies are coming into your planet and raising everyone’s vibration. Many of you are having hard times with these energies. Some of you are integrating these energies easily; it just depends where you are on your journey. Neither one is better or worse. It is what it is and everything comes in the perfect divine timing.
So the question on everyone’s mind that is reading this is “When” the changes are going to occur. We tell you the changes have already started to occur. We tell you that there are so many things going on under the “surface” so to speak that if you truly knew it would astound you. Deals are being made. Plans are being meticulously followed. Things are taking this process because it is what you, the conscious ones have so desired. You do not want these changes to come in and create major conflict; you want these changes to come in as easily as possible so as not to create panic and fear in everyone’s hearts. We tell you now that we have done what we can to make this transition as smoothly as possible. It is still up to you all to continue to work your wonderful powers of manifestation to help things come with “ease and grace” as the channeler’s friend so often reminds her to ask when manifesting. We will still need everyone’s help.
This next week there will be major happenings and major energies bombarding your planet. Many of you know about Wave X. Many of you know about the eclipses and the full moon that is coming. The earth will be bathed in so much higher vibrational energy that things will begin to rapidly manifest. The “Truth” so to speak will come to light. Ahh, the word light, has so many meanings. But in this meaning we want you to understand it is as if the energies that are coming in will in some ways provide a Cosmic Flashlight so to speak on everything that is not authentic. The changes that you are waiting for will begin to happen. Unfortunately, they may not happen as quickly as many of you would like because we are trying to do it with the least amount of disruption as possible. But please be aware, the changes are and will be occurring.
So we ask you for the next two weeks especially to use your powers of manifestation to help these times be as peaceful and loving as possible. Many people will become scared and afraid and will be guided to you. Just tell them what you know. They will watch all of you to see how you are reacting because they will unconsciously know that you are of the light and you might have some answers. We ask you to remain strong for they will look to you for guidance. You are up to the task. We know that you all are strong enough to handle it.
These next few months will bring about many changes, but it will not be in total chaos if you continue to pray and manifest I ask each of you that read these words to give feedback to my channeler. She is not sure that she is up to the task and needs your “reassurance” so to speak. So I ask you to read these words, see how they resonate with you, and give her feedback. She needs the confidence to take this deeper.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to all of what I have given her this day. Every one of you that read this will be given an “Energetic Attunement”. My new protégé has experienced these and will tell you that they can uplift your energy pretty quickly. I am working with her to be able to help others with these attunements and she needs confidence. So I ask you once again to give her feedback.
Until the next time, we on this side wish you peace in your hearts and are constantly sending you our love.


Metatron's Muse is a page that is dedicated to the channels of Archangel Metatron channeled by Dana Wagnon

Metatron’s Muse is a page that is dedicated to the channels of Archangel Metatron channeled by Dana Wagnon

My story with Metatron came upon very suddenly. One night i was meditating and out of the blue, I hear a very loud and deep voice in my head say, “I AM METATRON”. We then began communicating on a regular basis. He asked me if I would be willing to channel for him and distribute his messages. He also asked if I would be willing to work with him, to give energy attunements to people, and said more would be asked later when I was ready. Of course I said yes, and here is my page. Please feel free to message me with any questions you may have and feel free to share any experiences that you think others could relate to, whether it is different practitioners, different ideas, questions or anything else that you are guided to share with the group.

Wonderful Blessings of Love and Light,

Dana Wagnon

Metatron Muse

Feel free to join Dana’s group. This is a group of like minded individuals who would like to share their thoughts, feelings, other posts, and to ask questions that other group members may have the answers to. I’m a member of this group and also working with Dana. Currently, working on a blog for her and Archangel Metatron. Metatron asked Dana for her to contact me in regards to his work.

Archangel of the Month for September 2015

Sensitivity Archangel Haniel

Click to Enlarge Image

Here we are in September already.

This month we are called to work with Archangel Haniel. This beloved angel is in charge of the principalities which are the third group in the hierarchy of angels. Archangel Haniel, whose name means “Glory of God”, asked us to be merciful with our actions to others and be the beauty in life.

Do not fall into the negative feelings this month for they will set you back for 2 months or so. Be the beauty by expression and action. Think about how you react to the different situations you encounter and think how you can be the positive force in that moment. Love yourself and what you do and be this every day.

Archangel Haniel asks us to also look to charity this month. This could be donating your time or money or your talents. If you’re an artist donate your work, if you’re a body worker, donate your field of expertise. This is also a way of showing the beauty in life and you make a difference in many ways.

Enjoy this month for there are a lot of wonderful happenings and energies that are abound

Who is Archangel Haniel?

In the Kabbalah, Haniel presides over the sev­enth, or Netzach, Sephirah (emanation of God’s will). This sphere is related to victory and represents our inner world of intuition, imagination, and emotions.

The Netzach Sephirah marks the beginning of humans’ free will, and the expression of endurance and tenacity. It is the embodiment of earthly love. Archangel Haniel radiates inner qualities outwardly like the full moon. Mysterious and feminine, Haniel has been revered since the Bab­ylonian era, which tied astronomy into religion.

When To Call On Archangel Haniel

Archangel Haniel can help you develop your intuition and clairvoyance, as well as any aspect of sacred feminine energy. It’s very effective to call upon Haniel during the full moon, especially if there’s anything you’d like to release or heal. Haniel can particularly help with women’s issues.

As the expression of the inner world of intuition, Archangel Haniel is a supportive guide for those who wish to develop their spiritual gifts, like clair­voyance. Her bluish white halo color reminds me of the moon, and wearing moonstone can both am­plify intuitive transmissions and also help you feel connected to Haniel.

Men as well as women can benefit from connect­ing to this archangel, as men also have feminine en­ergy (just like women have male energy). Haniel can help members of both sexes awaken and trust their inner guidance.

Color: Pale Blue (Moonlight)

Crystal or Gemstone: Moonstone

Astrological Sign: Oversees all

Moon Cycles Archangel Haniel

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“Archangel Haniel, help me express myself in the way that will inspire others. Guide me to be the beauty and the light in all situations.”

“Dear Archangel Haniel, thank you for helping me gracefully accept and appreciate myself, others, and my life.”

If you’ve got an important function coming up that demands an excellent performance or refined social graces, ask Haniel to accompany you.  You can call upon Haniel by thinking her name a describing your need, or by stating a formal invocation such as:

“Archangel Haniel, overseer of grace, poise, and charm, please bring you Divine energy of loving wisdom to  [describe the situation].  Thank you for guiding my words, actions, and mannerism and helping me to enjoy myself, while bringing  blessings to everyone who sees or hears me.  I ask that your Divine magnetism draw only positive energies to me.  

O thank you, glorious Haniel, thank you.”

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Chris Alexandria owner of Angel Chatter

Angel Chatter offers a growing line of inspirational products designed by Chris Alexandria with the energy to empower others. Manifested from Chris’ more than 10 years of experience.  She creates intentional pieces that are designed to empower and inspire each person. Her online store is an embodiment of Chris’ mission allowing anyone, anywhere, to access their divine self and live life on their terms.

Every Angel Chatter product is individually infused with angelic energy. All Angel Chatter jewelry is made with natural-forming crystals and pure metals that are uniquely chosen for their therapeutic energy properties.

Popular products include our Angelic Intentions and Good Intentions candles, Angel Element Essential Oil-based roll-ons and misters, Angel Chatter Oracle Cards and Angel Chatter Sun Drops – “sun catchers with intentions.” We also offer Angel Chatter Gift Baskets , including our ever-popular New Home Gift Basket.

2015-07-12 03.52.48

What People Are Saying… Don’t just take my word for it. Please click image to read the testimonials from my satisfied clients.

Hi, My name is Claudia Ibarra

I’m a Certified Angel Card Reader™ and Certified Realm Reader™ by Doreen Virtue, Ph D. ; Member of the International Association of Angel Practitioners – I.A.A.P.  I’m also a Flower Therapy Healer certified by Robert Reeves, N.D. I am an intuitive Indigo and I enjoy helping others through various decks of Oracle Cards. 

We can ask and receive help from Angels, they are a gift from our Creator. First we must and ask for help and guidance; Angels can help us heal – physically, spiritually, emotionally and with abundance. Follow this Divine guidance and we can bring Peace on Earth one person at a time. 

I enjoy helping to guide my clients and I am so excited to work with you to guide you to your highest excitement and joy! Your purchase will helped me tremendously with my spiritual studies, and help enlighten others around the world.

Brightest Angel Blessings to you and your loved ones!


If you would like to view my prices and what readings I offer.  Angel Card Readings Book a Reading Now

Click “Book a Reading Now”     

If your outside the U.S. Click Here


I have “GIVEAWAY” over 200 readings so far this year.

Indigo Lightworker offers free angel messages, and spiritual guidance to those in need.

Angel Stories and Encounters! …Plus Angel Messages; Readings! 09/01 by Angelic Realms Radio

Hosts Susanne Warnett, Rose Fulhorst, Pamela Jones & Dax Carlisle Angel Stories & Encounters! …AND, Angel Messages for their Callers!

The first Tuesday of the Month is Angel Stories.  And on the show, I provided my Angel story on the show; it starts at 43:00.  Dax speaks about on how I am taking over the Angelscopes; it starts at 46:53.   Angelscopes (Angel Astrology) is like a weekly horoscope but with angel messages.  Look out for my first Angelscope message this Sunday and every Sunday for the week.

Got An Angel Story?
Send your story to Email:   **If you prefer to be anonymous let them know in an email.  And they will read your email Live on the show.

Listen now: Angelic Realms Radio

Member of the International Association of Angel Practitioners – I.A.A.P.

Source: Angel Stories and Encounters! …Plus Angel Messages & Readings! 09/01 by Angelic Realms Radio | Spirituality Podcasts

What People Are Saying… Don’t just take my word for it. Please click image to read the testimonials from my satisfied clients.

My name is Claudia Ibarra.

I’m a Certified Angel Card Reader™ and Certified Realm Reader™ by Doreen Virtue, Ph D. ; Member of the International Association of Angel Practitioners – I.A.A.P.  I’m also a Flower Therapy Healer certified by Robert Reeves, N.D. I am an intuitive Indigo and I enjoy helping others through various decks of Oracle Cards. 

We can ask and receive help from Angels, they are a gift from our Creator. First we must and ask for help and guidance; Angels can help us heal – physically, spiritually, emotionally and with abundance. Follow this Divine guidance and we can bring Peace on Earth one person at a time. 

I enjoy helping to guide my clients and I am so excited to work with you to guide you to your highest excitement and joy!  Your purchase will helped me tremendously with my spiritual studies, and help enlighten others around the world.

Brightest Angel Blessings to you and your loved ones!


If you would like to view my prices and what readings I offer.  Angel Card Readings Book a Reading Now

Click “Book a Reading Now”     

If your outside the U.S. Click Here


I have “GIVEAWAY” over 100 readings so far this year.

Indigo Lightworker offers free angel messages, and spiritual guidance to those in need.

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